
Can SEO & Digital PR Work Together For Brands?

Search & Earned Media: The SEO & Digital PR Duo

You did everything correctly with your search engine optimization (SEO) and digital public relations (PR) activities. You have an excellent website, optimized content, a strong social media presence, and even an email marketing campaign.

But something is still missing: you aren’t experiencing the enhanced internet exposure or sales you were hoping for.

Can SEO & Digital PR Enhance Your Brand Together?

The explanation may be found in the link between SEO and digital PR While both techniques are necessary for success, implementing them separately results in a significant loss of synergy. By merging the two disciplines, you may develop a powerful plan that expands your brand’s reach, resulting in improved leads and sales. If this seems like a lot, that’s precisely what this guide is meant to help with.

Today We’ll go over subjects like:

  • What is SEO & digital PR
  • Why Combine SEO Performance with PR Strategies?
  • Ways to Use an SEO PR Strategy to Increase Your Impact and Online Visibility

Let’s Explain it!

What is SEO & digital PR?

The online endeavor to establish connections with media outlets, influencers, and other organizations is known as digital public relations or PR. It all comes down to producing content that appeals to your intended audience and is worthwhile to share on various channels.

A digital PR campaign may involve any of the following activities:  

  • Press release writing
  • Infographic creation
  • online conversations on social media and forums
  • creating connections with influential people in the field


Digital PR, in contrast to traditional PR tactics, concentrates on interacting with online communities rather than traditional media.


However, search engine optimization, or SEO, is more technical and entails improving the content of your website to rank better in search results. This entails selecting relevant keywords, building backlinks from other websites, and using SEO-friendly page and post structures (such as meta tags).

How Do They Get Along?                                                  

To put it simply, they are both digital marketing tactics that assist you increase brand awareness and revenue while also improving lead generation and customer acquisition expenses.

However, in terms of their interaction, SEO & Digital PR are like two sides of the same coin—they enhance each other.


Demand Generation Link Building Manager Ron Evan Del Rosario stated, “Only with a strong link-building strategy is it possible to get a good amount of organic traffic.”

“Digital PR can help reach various influencers, media houses, and publication companies through PR outreach campaigns to get these links and rank your keywords.”

To elaborate further:

  • Brand recognition is raised by both tactics. While SEO helps you reach a wider audience through organic search, digital PR assists you in establishing relationships with important individuals and organizations in your area.
  • Promotion of content. Digital PR assists in spreading the word about your content through various means, while SEO guarantees that it appears at the top of search engine results.
  • Establishing links. Successful SEO requires links from reputable websites. You may establish a rapport with these websites through digital PR, and you can persuade them to link to your material.

Here is an example with a focus on backlinks and SEO success:

“A prominent travel blog recognized the significance of backlinks for boosting their website’s SEO performance. Implementing a robust digital PR strategy, they engaged in collaborations with authoritative travel websites and influencers. This determined effort led to a substantial increase in backlinks, resulting in a noteworthy improvement in their domain authority (DA) and search engine rankings:

Case Study: Travel Blog Mastery

The blog’s strategic approach to digital PR generated 800 high-quality backlinks from reputable travel platforms. This surge in backlinks contributed to a 30% increase in their domain authority and secured their position in the top five search engine results pages (SERPs) for key travel-related keywords.

Furthermore, the success of their digital PR campaigns extended beyond SEO. The blog’s content reached a vast audience, amassing 10 million readerships and 500,000 social media shares.

This case exemplifies the symbiotic relationship between effective digital PR, backlink generation, and overall brand success. By prioritizing strategic collaborations and link-building, the travel blog not only elevated its SEO performance but also solidified its authority in the competitive travel blogging landscape.”

Why Combine SEO Performance with PR Strategies?

You may still be wondering, at this point, why you should combine SEO & Digital PR when a business can get by with just one. A successful brand awareness campaign involves more than simply digital PR and sound SEO techniques. As we mentioned before, taking care of the opposite side of the coin helps your SEO.

  1. Compile Social Proof and Demonstrate Authority  

First and foremost, effective PR tactics target the appropriate audiences with your search-engine-optimized material. A well-executed PR effort will provide more mentions, shares, and backlinks. To raise search engine ranks and increase brand exposure, all of these are required.
Similar to this, a strong SEO content strategy assists in building the authority of your content. This entails creating content that is optimized, gives users insightful information, and increases the number of shares and backlinks your website receives. Search engine algorithms view your website as more authoritative when it has a greater number of these links.

  1. Make Use of Social Media and Search for Power    

PR strategies are often for social media, whereas SEO content techniques are for search engines.

By combining them, you can build a strong brand recognition plan that goes beyond organic search and raises your chances of receiving more social media interactions.

This is how it operates:

  1. You use a digital PR strategy to produce material that is optimized for search engines. This would entail guest writing, social media posting, and other things.
  2. People spread the word about your content when they come to it on social media or through organic searches.
  3. Word-of-mouth grows, increasing your chances of receiving backlinks and raising your search engine ranking.

Keep in mind that for your PR campaign to be effective, it must have expert and shareable content.


  1. It’s Free, Ethical, and Organic

This is ethical, long-term SEO that uses white-hat techniques and free tools like keyword planners and HARO for link building. As Google penalizes manipulative practices, high-quality links from reputable sources become even more crucial for website success.

Del Rosario stated, “Google can now more easily identify websites that manipulate keyword rankings.”

Remember: SEO and PR both generate leads organically, but require time and integrity to yield results.

SEO PR Strategy to Increase Your Impact and Online Visibility

What, therefore, constitutes an effective SEO content strategy? A list of recommended strategies for raising brand recognition may be found here.


  1. Create case studies, white papers, and data-driven research        

There is more to a lead-generating PR strategy than just visibility. Additionally, you want to contribute worth when you ask specialists for backlinks. You must, therefore, have comprehensive content that provides more.
White papers, case studies from prior projects, and data-driven guidelines may all be used to demonstrate how your product or service stands apart from the competition. This promotes your brand’s earned media and reputation.
When producing this kind of material, be sure to have the following data:   


  • The purpose of the research
  • Detailed data & sources
  • A clear hypothesis or a conclusion
  • Relevant visuals, e.g. infographics


Scholarly journals and individuals are fond of disseminating thoroughly investigated stuff. Thus, this can be your key to obtaining worthwhile mentions and backlinks for better SEO results.


  1. Use News and Industry to Promote Thought Leadership               


It’s one thing to score backlinks and citations using HARO and other tools. However, your material needs to be current and relevant with industry expertise if you want to stand out. Because of this, you should always be aware of developments in your industry and look for chances to speak as a thought leader by sharing your knowledge.

Del Rosario offers his tried-and-true HARO outreach email formula:

  1. Give a brief explanation of your motivation for contacting us and your suitability for contributing to this article.
  1. Give specific instances of how your experience or area of expertise can apply to the article.                                       
  2. Provide supplementary materials that enhance your message and support your assertion that you are an authority in your industry.

These materials may include:

  1. Links to previous projects
  2. Press releases
  3. Studies
  4. Surveys

Express gratitude for their time and provide them with your contact details so they may get in touch with you if they have any more queries. Put your signature, company name, and role after the email to make it appear more professional.

 “Keep in mind that the journalist must comprehend the subject matter, so avoid becoming overly specialized or industry-specific,” Del Rosario said.

Journalists require responses derived from firsthand knowledge. If not, they may just look up the answers online.


  1. Bring Innovation                

Yes, the main goal of your marketing is to raise your search engine ranking. Though magazines and experts like data, you don’t have to stick to a never-ending supply of graphs and figures.

“High-quality, impactful pieces are more important than churning out content for the sake of doing so,” suggests Del Rosario.

Add some imagination to your SEO PR approach by doing things like:


  • Infographics
  • webinars
  • videos
  • interactive material


Your chances of being recognized and acknowledged increase with these original solutions. Additionally, they add diversity to your outreach plan, which makes it more interesting and less typical.

Turn Clicks into Customers: Choose Groww

Leverage the connection between SEO & Digital PR to increase sales through search. Gaining greater credibility and visibility will increase your leads and revenue.

When putting your SEO & Digital PR plan into action, remember these pointers. When used properly, it’s a very useful and affordable tool.


Groww is a digital marketing agency that specializes in long-term and outcome-oriented digital marketing strategies. We assist you in defining and concentrating on your target market, enhancing SEO results, and harnessing the influence of public relations to optimize exposure.

Set up a consultation right now to find out how you may expand your company even further!
